1900 Park Fare Review

After a long, long wait, 1900 Park Fare at the Grand Floridian finally reopened! This was always known as an iconic character meal set in a beautiful dining room, and while it is still a character meal, it has been reimagined. Read on to hear what I thought of our recent dinner experience.

Prior to 2020, this character buffet meal featured rotating characters at breakfast, such as the Mad Hatter, Alice, Mary Poppins, and Winnie the Pooh. Dinner was themed after Cinderella’s wedding reception and featured Cinderella, Prince Charming, the Step Mother and the Stepsisters. I do wish they would have kept the Stepsisters in rotation because they were a riot. I loved our interactions with them and am sad they are no longer included at this meal.

When you enter, your server brings you a wishing card. You are supposed to write your biggest wish on the back and later in the meal, you hold them up and the Wish Makers (the 4 characters) help you make your wish. This is also how you get character autographs, since they are on the card.

The reimagined characters appear at both breakfast and dinner and include Cinderella (a nod to the original meal), Aladdin as Prince Ali, Mirabel from Encanto, and Tiana dressed in her new Bayou Adventure outfit. The characters were all great and they were fun to interact with. 

I made sure Cinderella knew I was a nice mom.

Tiana asked us what food we would bring her from Iowa. The logical answer was obviously corn.

Mirabel was adorable. She told the girls to “bring it in bring it in bring it in” for a photo.

Aladdin (who told us to call him Al…so cute) asked about the girls’ wishes. When my youngest didn’t have hers written down, he said that was okay and to just hold it in her heart.

I asked him what they called selfies in Agrabah and he told me Genie liked to call them selfies, so that is what he called them, too.

If you are a huge character interaction fan, this is definitely an awesome experience. The characters took their time at each table and we didn’t feel rushed. They were more than willing to take multiple pictures with our large group.

As for the food, it was pretty much standard Disney buffet fare. There were a few special items, like gumbo, that related to the characters.

They also still have their famous Strawberry Soup and it was just as good as I remember (it basically tastes like a strawberry smoothie or melted strawberry milkshake, but it is still delicious). 

Overall, while I did love the character interactions, I don’t think the cost of the meal was worth a second visit. It was definitely the most expensive place we ate, and while I know we are paying for the experience at a character meal, I would personally rather eat at a nicer restaurant on property and pay less for my food. 

The Wish Making ceremony was cute and got you a little more character interaction, but I personally think they could have done a little better with this.

Have you been to 1900 Park Fare? Do you want to try it? 


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