Affordable Travel Tips

If you have looked up pricing for any vacations lately, you will notice how much more expensive it is than years past. Inflation has hit every industry and travel is no exception. So how can the average person afford to travel when prices are so high? You might not want to hear some of the answers.

Be flexible with your travel dates

I know this isn’t possible for every family, especially if you have kids in school and/or are a teacher (former teacher of 21 years here and I know how limited teachers are when it comes to vacation time during non-peak times). But, if you are willing or able to take your kids from school, avoiding travel during school holidays is one way to save some money. 

Be willing to drive

This can mean driving to a larger airport to take advantage of less expensive flight options or even driving to your destination within the US. Will it take longer? Probably. Is it way less expensive than paying for flights for a family? Most likely. It is important to figure in all costs when weighing this decision.

Accept that what you pay for is what you get

Have you ever heard the phrase “champagne tastes on a beer budget?” Most people want the best but can’t always afford the best. For any popular travel destination, you pay for what you get. You might find a great deal on a hotel or vacation rental, but it might not be in the safest location. You might find an inexpensive all inclusive resort, but you may not get the experience you want once you get there. Same for a place like Walt Disney World or Disneyland. You pay for convenience. Is it necessary? No. Is it nice? Yes. 

Also keep in mind that your budget will not go as far in popular destinations. Paying $300 a night for a hotel in Des Moines, IA is going to get you a really nice place (side note: I don’t think there are even hotels that cost that much here?) but it is not going go get you a top of the line hotel in New York City, Boston, or even an Orlando Theme Park. 

Delay your travel dates

If you truly cannot afford the vacation you want, consider delaying your travel until you can save more money.

Shorten your trip

Want to go on vacation for a whole week but the price is too high? Think about going for 4-5 nights instead. This is usually my suggestion for those who want to visit an all inclusive resort since it usually reduces the price enough to make it more affordable.

Pick a less touristy destination or be willing to stay farther away from the main attractions

I don’t recommend this as an option unless you have a car, but for example, if you stay outside of Washington DC instead of right in the city, you can save some money and still be in a safe location. Will it take a little longer to get where you are going? Yes. But the savings could be the difference between taking a vacation or not taking a vacation.

Use public transportation

This doesn’t work for every destination, but most major cities have an affordable public transportation option you can use either from the airport or around and into the city. 

All of the above are factors I personally take into consideration when helping my clients choose a vacation destination. I do not take my job lightly. I will never recommend a place I wouldn’t personally take my own family. I want your experience to be the best and always try to appropriately set your expectations. Just another reason hiring a travel advisor is valuable! I am an expert at sorting through the data and presenting you with the options available to fit your wishes.


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